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Life’s like this

First H1N1 case in Singapore… Sounds bad that Singapore has become one of the list of unfortunate countries who received such cases. Wonder how many more people that shared the plane with her caught it.

On another note, I came across this Death Note Parody Website. There’s a funny video on the site, here’s the video.

It seems like it’s not just a fan video because the celebrities are involved too! Haha. It’s actually a blog where people can write entries on how people they hate die. Sounds satanic but most people just write popular icons that they hate and it’s really funny the things that they write._1243425199_590

I came across a website that allows you to create your own web avatar that may or may not resembles you. There’s lots of tweaking options available. Here’s mine. Do I look like that? Ha


Minako said...

Death note parody is very amazing :) hehe ^^