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Year 2 semester 1 seems really difficult. Will I flunk? It takes more than just time to get the idea through. It seems like designing circuit isn’t really my cup of tea. It’s not my flair too… What’s more during the stressful conditions of the exams, I may just walk out of hall. Ha.

I wonder is it stress or sleeping late. I have lost lots of hair recently I think. I can no longer feel the thick and lustrous hair when I stroke my fingers through them. Sigh…

Yesterday I considered myself step down after the AGM. It felt like ORD when the 15th JCRC jumped in unison upon the declaration of the end of 15th AGM. A year has gone by. I really want to thank my subcommers for the hard work that they put in. Some of them really don’t need the points at all but they still come down to paint nevertheless.