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Couldn't find the gift that I thought of buying for the past few days. Find that one cute yet practical... Ideal to give such gift right? Mm, probably will find the gift by today...

I've been wondering for the job opportunities in front of me. It's viable to do it. But I don't want to close my options to just that even though it may seem rosy to me at the moment. I don't have the security if I just venture into it instead of focusing on my university education later on.

Mum's changed. She become more irritable since her operation. Anything you say could just spark off another argument. I gave up discussing things she knew little about. Such as my job opportunities, or whether I'll missed the dinner she cooked for me, or just anything I've forgotten to do...

University registration for A level students will come soon. I have to figure out how to change my application... I wonder will it be successful? Application will give priority to this graduate batch I suppose.