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Went for Food Expo on Sunday at Suntec. It's crowded as usual but seems better than last year's. Don't have any picture this time because I was lazy to change my phone before going out. =P Ate lots of things out there. Tried various free samples but mainly drinks. Bought 2 packets of resealable seaweed snack, 1 Japanese pizza, 1 herbal tea, 1 Thai popiah, 4 durian puffs... Hehe, quite a lot right?

The Korean spirit that my mum and I tried leaves a lasting experience for me. It's just a small sip I can feel the strong alcohol burning sensation. Haha, but it felt good! My mum showed a soured expression which made the guy who offered my mum the spirit grin. Haha.

In the evening, my mum, 2nd uncle's family and I went to eat at a coffee shop at lavender. It's somehow quite popular with Singaporeans. I think the shop's name is "ming zhong ..." something... Saw many photos of celebrities dining there. Only enjoyed the famous wet noodles and the fried oyster with eggs. I eat the parts without the oysters though.

It's been a while since we had a proper chat. I guess he still hasn't forgiven me. Should I do something about it? I don't think I can stand the situation to last for many months to come.