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Bangkok Trip

S6000701Back from the trip~! I think I'm already missing the things in Bangkok. The people there are mostly very friendly and the things are uber cool and cheap! I think I bought many things from there.

That's me with the things I bought from the shopping frenzy. Quite a great deal. 1 jacket, 6 T-shirts, 4 singlets, 1 long sleeve shirt, 1 sling bag, 1 bottle of honey, a few souvenirs, 2 chokers, 4 short pants, 1 pair of jeans and many more.

Another thought that struck me was that even though I had known Cheryl just for the trip, everything went pretty well as though I've known her for quite some time. Probably she's just very sociable.S6000533

Kind of happy that E turned up to send me off. Not something essential but she did it anyway. Just kind of dumb when she bluffed me she wasn't going to do that.

It's my first time taking a flight, hence I was on the edge when the plane's about to take off. Same for landing. I just silently prayed for everything to be fine. Ha.

I thought that the terminal would be more impressive but okay... What more can I ask for something that cheap. Just perhaps the name of the terminal can be changed to something that sounds nicer. =x

S6000637What's really cheap down there are the wholesales market. There's just too many apparels to choose from. It takes true effort to source for something nice that I seek to purchase.

The climb onto Wat Arun was quite memorable too. The steps seem to be designed in a steep angle as if it was purposely constructed for some purpose. Should have bought some souvenirs there, it's relatively cheaper than those you can buy elsewhere!

I really want to have a better camera. Mine really sucks. No image stabilizer or face recognition feature. Without tripod or flash, photos will be blur for sure. Sigh.S6000744

I think the trip is kind of long for 4 days long worth of shopping. Everyone was really exhausted to the maximum. I think we spent more time in the airport doing stupid poses for camwhoring than to do much effective sightseeing.

I was told about the impression I give to others for my image. Thought of it as a compliment in a different sense. But what the hell, I'm still going to be who I am. No change to that.

S6000740 The full batch of photos can be found on facebook.

At the same time, I reflected something. Thought that I was really fortunate to be born in Singapore. I have the necessities like getting a proper meal provided to me without me having to worry for it. That's not exactly the case for them. I see many kids at least 10 years younger performing or begging on streets with their father or mother. Imagining life's going to be the same for them many years down the road. It's a phenomenon that's naturally occurring to poorer countries and as for us, we can only count our blessings.

Yesterday, a friend told me something about his past. I was quite shocked. Didn't expect that to come from him. He had a troubled past and it's not something glorious that you would mention to a friend you know no longer than 2 months. But from what he has to say, I would say that he has figured out what the right path is and only something good awaits him. I'm happy for him to be enlightened after all that he's gone through. I hope everything goes well for him.

I wanted to tell E about my opinion on relationship but couldn't find a right time to. I figured out it's not just about the feelings that occurred momentarily. What else can we fall back on if the interest fades? It's also about whether we can be ready to tolerate each other's character. Would it matter if I tell her... Or since it's not something that will change the outcome, I should just rest the case?