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After a long time of not hearing anything from D, I've decided to seek help to contact D. It was after a casual chat with Jialing that I realised she not only didn't talk to me but also to Tracy, Jialing and Keefer. The good thing is that Tracy managed to get her in the end. Hope that everything's all right.

I realise sometimes I do need a friend to just stay by the side. Even without doing anything, it's spiritually fulfilling. Haven't had the simplest of such joy since a long time back. Thanks WY. =)

Aaron asked me if I felt offended by the fact that the camp was organised by HOPE church and yet the non-Christians were kept in the dark. My answer is no. I felt it is fine as long no preaching is carried out under the pretext of friendship. Trust is a vulnerable thing. Once broken, it's hard to mend it back. I trust that it's not that intention they're befriending me for.

Didn't know Elson used to be that high profile as a model. Ha, he didn't flaunt it to me just that I happened to ask about his part-time job besides studying. He looks like a down-to-earth kind of person. I guess that's why he quitted modelling because of several complicated issues he had faced in the past.

Mum asked me be considerate to my roommate in hall. I hadn't really thought of such things as an issue. always thought that everything will just be the same. Living with another person could be a different thing. Oh well, I'll be more considerate, JY.

Anyone interested to work at a one day event for NLB for a heritage event on 2 August? The task would be to take photographs and to upload photographs to an online portal as well as other ad-hoc jobs on site. As simple as that. $60 for that event. Also comes with a free T-shirt. Going for the rehearsal the day before will add another $30. Limited vacancy. More details will be given at a future date.