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Just For Thoughts

Saw a new episode of 'Just for Laughs'. They had one with the fitting room curtain loosely 'fitted' and unaware female victims had thought that they had accidentally tugged that down. For the first few seconds, the women had their eyes covered but only to peek out of curiosity at the man in the fitting room with varied expressions. The man was trying out a bikini when the curtain was tugged down. Some stare with wide eyes while others are scanning at him with lusty intentions. I wonder what fetish those women have. Haha.

I was thinking the way Buddhist monk Ming Yi handles the charity organisation has just totally crushed the remain of what little faith we have left in charity organisations. Even in charity organisations, embezzling money can be that prevalent. First with Mr Durai and next is him, someone who is known to go all out to perform stunts to raise funds for patients. Just one blow is sufficient to destroy all the good reputations he has earned so far. His deeds can all doubtfully be questioned by the public of any other intentions for his personal agenda. Who knows?

Wilson and Zach had talked about the air bubble in the spiritual heart. We try and work so hard to fill our lives with meaning. We meet more friends, study hard, work hard, dress up to our best. Everything we do, we strive for the better. Yet in a corner of our heart, we always feel something is missing. That missing air bubble can be different for everyone. For some, it may be religion, some is to carry out the acts of humanitarian through voluntarism and charity, but for others, it may not be so. I guess, I know what's mine. But somehow, I'm not actively trying to fill it up. Maybe I'm still waiting for the right time, but... when is it so?