Thanks pal for keeping up with the updates in my blog. I thought due to the infrequent post, no one will continue to support this. :)
Had a hard time finding the neccesary bios file needed for GBA emulation. A new emulator gPSP was written in a new method and supposedly more efficient than the PSPVBA which was updated so often but not still isn't up to mark. Now many roms can run already. Hoping to see both programmers not to give up in their projects and work for the benefit of everybody.
Had a discussion with my parents regarding the voluntary trip for iraq mission if I ever get to post to the LST going for the mission. They strongly felt that I shouldn't go for it just because I was attracted to the regular pay plus the risk pay which can sum up to $20 thousand+. The weather condition is harsh and the situation may be quite chaotic. No one can guarantee my safety during the mission. I have to sign a paper which to be approved by both parents in order to go for it. Now, after delibrating for some time, maybe it isn't worthwhile to make that kind of sacrifice for that money which I can earn more than that in the future.
Sometimes, I can't stand talking to very rich guys. They just got some kind of ego in them that they don't realise. Worse still, when you start talking to them, they begin flaunting what kind of choices they will make to purchase something that you can compromise for a much cheaper but yet for the same usage. Well... it hurts them if I do tell them that they are being arrogant in saying things like that but I figure out that they don't realise at all. They don't understand how people poorer than them feel about the kind of things that people feel sensitive about. It's all about pride when talking about money matters. By not getting annoyed in such conversation I have to resort to changing topic which involve little mention about wealth. Bleahz... No choice, I just hope when I become rich one day, I don't become such a person nor will I want my son or daughter to be a spoilt brat.
Saw cousin Yoong Fa at the CNB cookhouse. He's a 2wo officer in navy. Oh well, I didn't know he was in navy as no one had informed me about it. I did say hello to him there and got too much attention due to that. When I came back to my food, I can hear the whole class talking about relationship and pulling strings etc. My classmates asked me lots of questions and made jokes out of that but I can tell it wasn't meant to be a hostile insult, just a casual but irritating joke. I didn't ask a lot when I talked to him because of another officer sitting beside him. I was afraid that something sensitive about my comments or questions will not be nice if the other person hears. After all, I don't know if his collegue is that close to him or not.
Thus, through out the week, I'm being "suan" by friends as a 5WO because I've got WSTC SI and cousin to watch over me in Navy and so I'm not worried that I'll get bullied. It's not true in anyway... SI may have a better impression of me but that'll not take me far because I have to score well to go to whichever platform I want and to keep a positive attitude in order not to suffer in OJT. It's all about me, myself and I. So the only thing to do is to learn to make the best out of myself.
My brother just received the invitation magazine from singapore polytechnic. A thought just flashed in my mind. It seemed only a while ago that I remembered myself looking at a similar poly magazine, trying to make up my mind over the choice of embarking on the learning route of junior college or polytechnic after secondary school. Time passes so fast and now it's my brother 3 years later having the same dilemma as me back then. I felt that I have to cherish my time. There aren't many 3 years in a lifetime. Got to make good use of it.