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Happenings Around The World

Lately, God hasn't been too kind to the earthlings. First came the cyclone Nargis in Myanmar, thereafter the earthquake in Sichuan that killed over 240 000, not to mention millions of people who are left homeless.

I had thought that this year would probably be a grand year that marks China as a strong power in Asia as the organising nation for Olympics 2008. But the list of events of including the instigation of disturbance led by Dalai Lama has shown to affect China greatly. I still feel that the spirit of sports and politics shouldn't be intertwined in this manner... Nevertheless, China seems to be further victimized by the outbreak of disaster that follows. Now, the world weeps for China. It's indeed heart-rending to see the pictures of the citizens submitting to fate.

As compared to people who dearly cling on to life, I think we're much fortunate than them and it's not something to be taken forgranted. One day if ever Singapore ends up in a wreck, hopefully other nations will correspond to similar kind of assistance rendered also.


Didn't get the course of my choice. I think like what she said, I should just take it as a blessing in disguise. -__-

Found this blog quite cute. Thought it was lame but the way the photos are organised, this figure is given so much life into it... Give that a thought, isn't all marketing strategies something that way? Like the hype into LG viewty or Apple Ipod touch?

Ran with my brother today night. Another of his crazy training regime.

1. Run every round below 1min 45sec for 6 rounds with about 1 min interval break.
2. Do pull-ups. (About 6)
3. Run another 3 more continuous rounds.
4. Standing broad jumps. (Too tired)

May not seem so much for many of you but for this 21 years old bones and untrained muscles of mine, I find it pretty tough.

Yihui got very excited about shopping today when I complemented his shoes. I was quite taken aback when just immediately when I talked to him about his shoes, he came over to my seat and elaborated more on it. He even mentioned going for shopping together for to look for shoes. Another shoe-fanatic guy eh?

It's time I should get a calendar at my working seat. 2 functions. Firstly, it is to mark off the days which I would not want to do overtime by plotting a prominent "OCCUPPIED" word on the calendar to ward off unwanted questions like "How about working another 2 more hours on this day..? Come on lah, help me a bit. I really need people." and etc. It's hard for me to say no. I'm just too nice, I mean I don't know how to reject people like that. And nope, I'm not telling who... Haha.

Secondly, it's about 1 month more to the end of contract~! Yeah. No more sickening customers yelling, complaining and nagging. It's really no easy feat to work there permanently.

My dad asked if I know someone by the name of "Lee" who's studying dentistry. I wondered how and why my dad asked about that. He said that he met up his primary school friend who's also a taxi driver today. He talked about his son's also working in Starhub. They live in Redhill. Oh, how coincident things can be~!