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Sad recess week

Recess week is here. But it doesn’t seem like a break at all. This is when project work and lab assignments go full swing into motion. Every where around in school, I see a huge crowd of students: canteen, outside LTs, study areas, halls etc. It’s like the only people not here are the lecturers and tutors.



I had said no to a few outings. Rather rare opportunity to catch up with my friends but had to cancel it due to school work. =(

Sometimes, I look around my empty room when I take a momentary break for my eyes, I feel like putting things up to personalize my room. I don’t know since when I have felt so comfortable about my room that it felt just an extension from my home in Hougang. However, when I recall the pains (I could barely squeeze myself into the car after loading my stuff in it) of packing things back from hall in April, I had decided to drop the idea.

My girlfriend’s close friend was ill in leukemia. I recalled seeing her earlier on last year and she still looked healthy. She’s only 20 this year. Her blood type is A+ and she needs platelets donation.

Platelets are the smallest division in the blood that helps to clot blood to prevent prolong bleeding. As she has to go through chemotherapy, her natural platelets are constantly destroyed by the process. Platelet donations last only 3 days before they die off so it has to be scheduled by the hospital. If your blood type happens to be A+, please help her and contact me with your name and phone number. Thank you.


I feel married to my computer engineering (CE) course. I’m sharing my all my precious moments with it. Spending time to understand and commit to it. I even dream about it. But like love, putting in effort doesn’t always reciprocate and give the same returns in terms of results. How satisfying my marriage is.

So as it is, if for the moment, I’m speaking a language that you people cannot understand, please bear with me. I feel more acquainted with computer language than human language…

Anyway, do you think it’s weird for someone who doesn’t like drinking to go suddenly go drink?


Year 2 semester 1 seems really difficult. Will I flunk? It takes more than just time to get the idea through. It seems like designing circuit isn’t really my cup of tea. It’s not my flair too… What’s more during the stressful conditions of the exams, I may just walk out of hall. Ha.

I wonder is it stress or sleeping late. I have lost lots of hair recently I think. I can no longer feel the thick and lustrous hair when I stroke my fingers through them. Sigh…

Yesterday I considered myself step down after the AGM. It felt like ORD when the 15th JCRC jumped in unison upon the declaration of the end of 15th AGM. A year has gone by. I really want to thank my subcommers for the hard work that they put in. Some of them really don’t need the points at all but they still come down to paint nevertheless.