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I would soon be closing this down as I’ve decided to switch over to I spent some time importing all the old posts so I wouldn’t miss out anything. It’s a lot more convenient for me to congregate all sorts of information about me on Wordpress. It’s a really slick content management software. Bye bye Blogger. You’ll be missed.

Something Special

Here are some of the precious moments I wish I could hold on to.

When a friend does something nice for you, gives a smile and does not expect something in return.

When you receive the gentle look of someone who does not judge you based on your appearance.

When you look at old photos and reminisce the moments that you shared with someone and felt the rush of nostalgia into every inch of your body.

When you hug someone close to you, the sight, the smell is so familiar to you, it feels so comfortably right and loved.

There’s something special this 27th. Haha, other than my monthsary, there’s presidential elections too. Haha, That’s random right?

More Rants

This coming freshmen orientation camp is going to be the 6th one in 4 years. LOL. I feel so old for this, seriously. I don’t think I will make any close friends with this batch that is coming in? Probably the age gap is there and the university phase is very much different, I suppose… I guess that’s the price to pay to stay hall. I feel like escaping out from these obligations. It would have been nice to do things you really want to do.

Have you ever thought that things used to be better? For example, I was listening to Usher’s old songs and thought they sounded very much better in the past than the current techno songs. Other than that, I also think that the weather was a lot more pleasant in the past than now. So freaking hot. It used to be 31 degrees max on hot day. Not anymore. Ha.

It’s a bad thing to think of things these way. Because I’ll never stop looking back if I always think so. Live in the present, and if I don’t like it, change it or try to change it? Trying to tell myself so.

Love the way you lie

I wonder what's with the controversial lyrics like this... Although music is nice but who would like anyone who lies. So weird...

Worldly Affairs

Hmm, so much things are happening around the world. I wonder was it because I was more ignorant back then or there just wasn’t so many disasters happening.

Saw on the news how E. Coli spreaded like wild fire in Europe and how at the same time, Taiwan is spreading consumers’ fears and rage about the plasticizer those heartless bastards use in manufacturing food to other Asian countries through exports.

The part about E. Coli’s DNA similarity to AIDS made me wonder if it was a man-made disease meant to spread or what. I heard the restaurant that spread this, only the customers were affected despite the restaurant staff ate the same food too.

In China, the flood was invading the towns once again, crashing lots of trees and stressing the bridges.

On Singapore’s side, the heavy rain has once invaded a few central regions. Even after the preparation of rainwater flooding, Tanglin Mall was badly affected. It is said that the weather has since changed and the fundamental infrastructure needs to be relooked at. Well, Vivian sure is unlucky. He has just changed portfolio and here comes his first problem.

The weather has changed drastically recently. Not that I’m spreading fear but seems like whether it is nature that predicts the end of the world in 2012, signs are pointing to it? Ha. Probably even if there isn’t one, committed believers would make it happen? Scary thought…

1st Day of Exam

I decide to name this post this title not because I am taking exam this semester but lately I feel that thinking of the same issue as the rest of the nation is now talking makes me upset.

Why? What happens when the people you love, do not believe in the same things you do? Do not see the same vision as you? Or share the same sentiments as you? This feeling has been so strong recently that it feels like a part of me is being torn apart through that difference.

I had never care for what the government has done. I used to be very apathetic to the things around me. Not until when it comes to the age when I need to exercise my right to vote. I may not have walk the grounds with the leaders to see what they are doing but as a responsible voter, I read and watch what the leaders from both sides have to say. I have an open mind what each one is doing. PAP may have been the leaders that brought Singapore from nothing to something. From the kampungs to the high rise buildings we have today, from relying on others to become self-sufficient. Yes, this is the success we need to thank the PAP and our forefathers for it.

But the present cannot be always judged by the past. A society needs to move on. Singapore has recently been plagued by many problems and the current PAP leaders have not always given a satisfactory solution/reply to people’s government. Yes, I agree that there are still exemplary leaders in PAP but Singapore citizens have the fundamental rights to decide for themselves what they want to see for our generations and beyond. If the outcome is to have an alternative voice so that the ruling party can be more consistent in its system, so be it. Why deny us of the chance and tell us that we have to “live and ‘repent’ for the next five years if we vote for the Workers' Party (WP) team at Aljunied GRC”? I thought repentance is used for relationship between mortals and god? It has reached a stage whereby PAP thinks that they are indispensible and present an arrogant attitude towards Singaporeans.

Since young, I am taught that Singapore practises in democracy. It is only in my adult age did I realise the democracy Singapore is practising defers much from the true democracy. Moreover, I have seen footage that was censored off from the media regarding 0perati0n c0ldst0re. Vime0 has a link and I believe you can find it if you want to see. It shocks me to the level of injustice that can be done to a man in the name of democracy. On what moral grounds is Singapore then lecturing other countries to be morally right then?

Never mind the way the election is not formed from an independent committee but from the prime minister’s office. And never mind the electoral boundaries are redrawn elections after elections. I just want an alternative voice that can provide alternate perspectives to policies and not to have remedies done as an after thought. I will not cast my votes rashly to the opposition if they do not earn my respect and if its policy is not for the general good for the Singaporeans. Because what is being said at the rally could be just empty talk. However, if Singaporeans do not give them a chance, how are we to know that they are not up to it?

Lastly, I am not here to persuade anyone to think the same as me. I believe everyone should be responsible and vote for what they think is right, be it PAP or other parties. If whatever that happens, I only hope that the common consensus is to have a better tomorrow for us Singaporeans.

Bits and Pieces of My Life

There are many interesting things that people experience over time. Here’s mine.

A common response when they ask me what course I am from and after I replied them is, “Could you help me solve my computer problem?”

LOL, I think people usually mistake computer engineers with computer technicians. I would say during my course of study, most of what I could do is self-learning and not what I pick up from the course. There are some useful modules that I learnt, but I hope there was more.

And when people look at my websites or digital designs, they will comment… “Wow, you are very good at computer!” I believe the artistic styles have nothing to do with whether you know a lot about the computer or not. I’d rather they attribute it to my creativity, seriously.

I also get asked by my current roomie very often, “Wa! You stalking people on Facebook ah?” I explained that I am replying to my friends and he was doubtful about it. “Got so many things to do on Facebook one meh?”

I actually receive notifications and event invitations from people. If he finds nothing to do on Facebook because of inactivity or some other reasons, that’s his business. I find it very intrusive of that comment especially if I don’t know him very well.

I have to admit that I may not be sensitive with words all the time but I think one should at least try to put words properly so it sounds appropriate within context.


谁还记得是谁先说 永远的爱我
以前的一句话是我们 以后的伤口
过了太久没人记得 当初那些温柔
我和你手牵手说要一起 走到最后

我们都忘了 这条路走了多久
心中是清楚的 有一天 有一天都会停的
让时间说真话 虽然我也害怕
在天黑了以后 我们都不知道 会不会有以后
我们都累了 却没办法往回走
两颗心都迷惑 怎么说 怎么说都没有救
亲爱的为什么 也许你也不懂
两个相爱的人 等着对方先说 想分开的理由

我和你的眼中看见了 不同的天空
走得太远终于走到 分岔路的路口
是不是你和我 要有两个 相反的梦

谁还记得是谁先说 永远的爱我
以前的一句话是我们 以后的伤口
过了太久没人记得 当初那些温柔
我和你手牵手说要一起 走到最后
我和你手牵手说要一起 走到最后
Just had a splendid birthday celebration on Sunday. Though it was short, I enjoyed it. =D But I wasn't really excited about the birthday. I don't know why. It's not about receiving presents or money that excites me... but I really like the birthday surprises my friends plan for me.

It's going to be competition day real soon on Wednesday. Hope my friends and I get "All Stunts Up"! Go, fight, win!

I'm thinking about moving away from this blog to elsewhere. I'll see when I'm free to do up another one.