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Another post in the month of october. In the midst of OJT phase... still feeling quite miserable but I know I can pass out of this. Just lots of thoughts of trying to escape from getting onboard ship. Wonder what I'm thinking. Is this what National Service is all about or could I be too mentally weak to endure through what I'm undergoing so far? My course commander hasn't been visiting me even once, so sad, wonder if he still remembers us at this point.

Getting fatter... But no time to run and slim down. Practically tied down all day in ship doing things that benefits the ship but doesn't benefit my health at all. I prefer training life than this. At least if it's so, after NS I know I'll be fitter. Now what's this doing to my life? Probably largely irrelevant.

Driving lessons are bogged down by irregular QM duties and burned weekends for EI. Actually, I honestly feel that within weekdays if everyone just works harder and more efficiently, it's actually possible to complete the tasks in a much shorter time. Needless to say to stay an extra day back. It's just so pointless.

Just saw a beautiful quote in bleach manga from inoue's speech, something like this: If I were to live life over 5 times, I will want to try different things, jobs, etc, to live life to the fullest but I will still want to fall in love with the same person. Ha, how romantic.