Bought 2 bags over the weekend. Spent about $70 in total. It's quite a lot to buy in one go but I'm quite satisfied about my choice, hee. I'll make sure it'll last me quite a while again.
End of course already. Really enjoyed my time in WSTC. I think it's one of the wonderful time you can have in NS. The instructors are really nice and I feel quite closely knitted with my friends in OEW class. Really felt kind of sad to leave my friends. They are humorous and caring. I feel at ease telling them about my stuff. I think I will always miss the time when I see Lip Sin gets whacked for acting cute, Ser Jing for getting bullied by Salvin, Ah Gong for being such a "nice" friend who will always "sabo" me, Jason for always motivate me with the word "cougar", You Shen for always being so "off" and gabriel for always taking care of me like a brother.
Initially thought that I will be posted to LST after hearing from my classmate who overheard SI's conversation with Staff Lee. Ultimately, there seems to be a new slot for frigate and SI seems to be keen in putting me in frigate. Actually, I have no particular preference between these two ships just that I have a tendency to think that frigate is more tough because it's supposed to be an elite ship and the system is new. Thus, as a new ship crew, I will probably need to learn more things and do more things as the ship crews are probably more "garang". As to whether how different I'll turn out to be after the training, I'm not sure. Hopefully, I'll be a better ship crew, a better man.
=Sentosa Outing=
It's a half day celebration at Sentosa for Tracom anniversary celebration I think. Tracom means training command for Navy. First half of the day is to play the compulsory games as set by the organisers. I was pretty bored making straw sculptures actually to be honest. They wanted everyone to be there by 7.30 am but the event starts at 9! I suppose they expect many people to be late, that's why. Here are some of the photos taken by my camera:
Gabriel and me. Yep, one of the closer buddies I have in camp. I think he'll miss us when we post out. Master Chua told us that he felt quite emotional when he sees that we are going to post out. He just doesn't show up emotions in front.
The next photo shows my friends from ex-cabin 4-49 during the days we are called Tekong group in IMOS. That was a few months ago already. Time flies.
The next photo is with my OEW classmates. They are fun people to be with. I'm glad to have gone through JTQT with them. Although some are more noisy, some quite innocent, some quite irritating but funny, they aren't the backstabbers type; Willing to help each other. I think I'll miss the noises when they're gone.
Next photo is me and my buddy, Eugene. Ha, always remember him as a hot tempered friend. He's straight-forward to things he doesn't like. But hm, he's one I find very comfortable to talk to and about anything in the world. We have different interests but common mindset. That's why he's someone I like to talk to.
This photo is chanmama and me. Ha, he's jason chan. He has a warm and innocent personality. Always loves to pinch Lip Sin and my fats around the waist. Irritating but reminds me of my brother. Haha.
See how the cute boy is trying to get away from us? Jeffrey loves our companionship but is scared of us doing something to him. For me, I only feel like pinching his cheeks because his cute expression is so irresistibly adorable. Ha... Oh, I sound so much like a paedophile.
Ha, here is the sandcastle built by my clan. I find it not bad because I don't know how to build one. Don't know why we only got 1 out of 10 pts. Hmm.. What do you think?
Here is the straw sculpture of a bicycle made by me and my friends. The additional criteria is to make the wheels mobile. Mine is able to rotate but didn't know why only got 1 out of 10 pts. Wonder if the judge is biased against my group. However, overall, Tangs clan scored 29 pts which is not a bad score since the beach soccer game scored full 10 pts and got a prize for that.
After that, some of us went to play beach volleyball. From there, I learnt a bit of what that game is about. Fortunately, the guys are accomodating to my standard and are willing to teach me how to play better. All in all, it's a nice day on that island.