mm. Yesterday was another bad day. Upon arriving at the Tuas base, my bag strap gave way and it landed out loud on the ground. Quite embarrasing I thought, never did I thought that fall will cost my PSP LCD screen to crack and cost me $120 to repair. I discovered that only on my way from Tuas when I need that the most to keep my boring journey some entertainment... Heartache~ Sob... It's still so new you know?
On my way back, saw several patches of wet mud, thought I'll be able to keep clear of it by stepping aside which the grass covered the ground. It's still muddy. Now my shoes are stuck with the mud and soil.. Still can't be removed yet. Haiz...
When I'm back in camp, officer of the day is XO. The one I have to see regarding the mistake I made during Thursday's watch. Mm, what a coincident. It was also Staff Ong's POOD and Thiru's fire drill accessment that day. Moreover, there are 2 OJTs understudy, so definitely a fire drill will be held that day. Diao~ Was thinking that I should have finished thursday's watch and relax after the GPMG course... Wahaha... Not forgetting that I will have to muster arms that day when it's supposed to be Chia's responsibility... Well, can't be anything worse, so I still cheer myself up after that.
Found out that SGFORUMS is an interesting site, started reading recently only. Go find out if you're curious about it. Ha. Also, it's been confirmed that I have sailing on my birthday eve till my birthday. Afterwhich, I have a duty on that day too. Mm, yep, got to smile because it's the last time I'll have my birthday in camp anyway...
The main problems with me are that I can hardly be decisive, easily influenced, soft-hearted and inexperienced. Such traits are causing me to face situations helplessly. My mum believes that if something needs to be done, do it. Got to set the will and heart even if it's cruel in some ways. Well, it can be that I didn't inherit any of her traits then, lol.