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1st Day of Exam

I decide to name this post this title not because I am taking exam this semester but lately I feel that thinking of the same issue as the rest of the nation is now talking makes me upset.

Why? What happens when the people you love, do not believe in the same things you do? Do not see the same vision as you? Or share the same sentiments as you? This feeling has been so strong recently that it feels like a part of me is being torn apart through that difference.

I had never care for what the government has done. I used to be very apathetic to the things around me. Not until when it comes to the age when I need to exercise my right to vote. I may not have walk the grounds with the leaders to see what they are doing but as a responsible voter, I read and watch what the leaders from both sides have to say. I have an open mind what each one is doing. PAP may have been the leaders that brought Singapore from nothing to something. From the kampungs to the high rise buildings we have today, from relying on others to become self-sufficient. Yes, this is the success we need to thank the PAP and our forefathers for it.

But the present cannot be always judged by the past. A society needs to move on. Singapore has recently been plagued by many problems and the current PAP leaders have not always given a satisfactory solution/reply to people’s government. Yes, I agree that there are still exemplary leaders in PAP but Singapore citizens have the fundamental rights to decide for themselves what they want to see for our generations and beyond. If the outcome is to have an alternative voice so that the ruling party can be more consistent in its system, so be it. Why deny us of the chance and tell us that we have to “live and ‘repent’ for the next five years if we vote for the Workers' Party (WP) team at Aljunied GRC”? I thought repentance is used for relationship between mortals and god? It has reached a stage whereby PAP thinks that they are indispensible and present an arrogant attitude towards Singaporeans.

Since young, I am taught that Singapore practises in democracy. It is only in my adult age did I realise the democracy Singapore is practising defers much from the true democracy. Moreover, I have seen footage that was censored off from the media regarding 0perati0n c0ldst0re. Vime0 has a link and I believe you can find it if you want to see. It shocks me to the level of injustice that can be done to a man in the name of democracy. On what moral grounds is Singapore then lecturing other countries to be morally right then?

Never mind the way the election is not formed from an independent committee but from the prime minister’s office. And never mind the electoral boundaries are redrawn elections after elections. I just want an alternative voice that can provide alternate perspectives to policies and not to have remedies done as an after thought. I will not cast my votes rashly to the opposition if they do not earn my respect and if its policy is not for the general good for the Singaporeans. Because what is being said at the rally could be just empty talk. However, if Singaporeans do not give them a chance, how are we to know that they are not up to it?

Lastly, I am not here to persuade anyone to think the same as me. I believe everyone should be responsible and vote for what they think is right, be it PAP or other parties. If whatever that happens, I only hope that the common consensus is to have a better tomorrow for us Singaporeans.