This coming freshmen orientation camp is going to be the 6th one in 4 years. LOL. I feel so old for this, seriously. I don’t think I will make any close friends with this batch that is coming in? Probably the age gap is there and the university phase is very much different, I suppose… I guess that’s the price to pay to stay hall. I feel like escaping out from these obligations. It would have been nice to do things you really want to do.
Have you ever thought that things used to be better? For example, I was listening to Usher’s old songs and thought they sounded very much better in the past than the current techno songs. Other than that, I also think that the weather was a lot more pleasant in the past than now. So freaking hot. It used to be 31 degrees max on hot day. Not anymore. Ha.
It’s a bad thing to think of things these way. Because I’ll never stop looking back if I always think so. Live in the present, and if I don’t like it, change it or try to change it? Trying to tell myself so.