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Came across a blog and saw this entry which I thought is very nice.

promises are like growing trees. they grow up strong and quickly in the spring. they make everything more beautiful. and soon, the leaves will rassle in the summer breeze. singing the angel's melody and surprising you occasionally.
but a walk in the park never stays the same, trees start to shed and leaves rain across your dimmed path.and the next snap you hear is the cracking of thin ice under you in winter time. the trees have finally died.
these are your promises.

It's going to be nearly 2 weeks already and yet my chipped teeth are still in pain. Had an X-ray and showed that the roots were knocked out of place. Further review is pending in a month's time. I hope no root canal surgery has to be done, otherwise I have to fork out $400+ per tooth excluding straightening. Where am I going to get the money!!?

Cheerleading has stopped for now.. Suddenly night feels so relatively free. But it's not. I've only got 14 more days to my exams! Everyone seems to be too busy studying, hall becomes very quiet lately.

But thank you for making my life a bit better. =D I appreciate every little things you did, really.

I'm still holding on, so hope my friends who are losing hope to still clinch on to any ray of hope you may see. Let's all work hard! =D