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New Year Updates



It’s the start of 2009. Just finished with many of the IHRG and IHG pretty soon. There were many things I have learnt about during the year of 2008 to now and I have become more careful of what I have to and got to say. Being quiet at times becomes inevitable if I don’t want to be shot at unnecessary. Some politics will just be there even if you don’t want to believe so. It hurts when you know that it’s your friend who shoots comments at you not face to face, but through others. Everything can be used as a yardstick to compare on.


I’m happy that I finally see through the end of hall cheerleading. It has been an eye-opener experience to understand the sweat, friendship and teamwork of being a cheerleader. Throughout that period, many persevered while some dropped out. It’s not an easy effort from a total noobie to be trained a cheerleader. At least I’m proud of my own performance. =)

IMG_2163Ever since the training ended, there’s many things that had changed. No more night trainings that the team dreads. No more toleration of each other’s mistakes. No more sweat and laughter from the same few people whom I have seen almost every night. Suddenly, the night just seems to have quieten down. Perhaps I start to miss all the things that I used to do. =)  IMG_1021

I really feel thankful for everyone who came down to watch my performance. Big hug to you all. =) I want to thank Jian Yuan for collecting the goody bag for me. Felt bad that I couldn’t attend his event due to training.


Met up with Hengyi and Chris. It’s one of the rare occasions to meet up. I think my secondary school friends are generally very rich. Always tend to feel the uncomfortable distance between them and me. Be it their spending habits, hobbies, etc just don’t seem to click anymore… =/

Looking forward to Chinese new year. I’ll be another year older soon. The 2009 me that’s in the mirror seems much older, tired… I suppose ageing is something that’ll come sooner or later after 21. Mum seems to be less energetic recently. Part of me wants to graduate soon so that I can help in the family. Another part of me has reach that mentality level yet. There’s many things I want to learn, I want to see and experience before I step into the workforce for good. I can’t visualise what I’ll probably do in the future but for now I’ll be going full swing into studies. I must do much much much better this semester.