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Repaying Kindness with Kindness

How many times have you recalled paying someone’s kindness back with kindness? Although it’s said that when you do a kind thing, it needs no paying back but if your kindness is received by someone who has a conscience, he or she will feel grateful to you and eventually will repay you with kindness in other forms.

But there are times I just suck. I’ve looked through old emails, letters or even little things my friends wrote to me ages ago. Some of which I had totally forgotten its existence. Reading through them brings back bittersweet memories. Those may be all the childish moments that were spent together, all the naive things done together or all the tears shed together. Their sincere thoughts are all penned down on that little pieces of paper in a hope that it gets through to my heart that I should never forget them. Somehow I felt that I didn’t treat these people as well as how they treated me and I haven’t find the courage to bring them back to my life.

Many times I felt grateful that my friends came into my life. I’m thankful that they had left an impact on me and shared with me what I couldn’t learn from just books or from parents. They were the ones I look up to. However, I was wondering just how many of them thinks that way of me? I know I’m the quiet sort that will just blend into the corner. So insignificant. Truthfully, I may not want to know that answer. Some things are better left unspoken.

But as with every friendship built, there are bound to be some that hurts you deep into heart. Walls are then built, facades are then maintained. Unlike mathematics, there’s no right or wrong how you should handle interpersonal relationships. I hope to find the right formula to keep my dear friends close to my heart and the rotten ones out of the universe as soon as possible.