Hmm, so much things are happening around the world. I wonder was it because I was more ignorant back then or there just wasn’t so many disasters happening.
Saw on the news how E. Coli spreaded like wild fire in Europe and how at the same time, Taiwan is spreading consumers’ fears and rage about the plasticizer those heartless bastards use in manufacturing food to other Asian countries through exports.
The part about E. Coli’s DNA similarity to AIDS made me wonder if it was a man-made disease meant to spread or what. I heard the restaurant that spread this, only the customers were affected despite the restaurant staff ate the same food too.
In China, the flood was invading the towns once again, crashing lots of trees and stressing the bridges.
On Singapore’s side, the heavy rain has once invaded a few central regions. Even after the preparation of rainwater flooding, Tanglin Mall was badly affected. It is said that the weather has since changed and the fundamental infrastructure needs to be relooked at. Well, Vivian sure is unlucky. He has just changed portfolio and here comes his first problem.
The weather has changed drastically recently. Not that I’m spreading fear but seems like whether it is nature that predicts the end of the world in 2012, signs are pointing to it? Ha. Probably even if there isn’t one, committed believers would make it happen? Scary thought…
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