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Haha...amazing race was fun... the covered areas are bedok, east coast park, tanah merah etc where the subcoms n exco were all over for the CG to get their points. den initially i din noe gotta run so much, I carried my bag, thinking it's no prob carrying it around, din noe muz run...den was feeling like a dead man during running. (imagine urself heavier by 10 over kg!!)

Den lotsa tasks were given to us during the station games at various spots in east coast. Like one had to take all fabric related stuff n lay them in a straight line n compete with CG 3 to see who's longer. Guys hafta take out their shirt too at da last resort...n haha, we won almost all games. Funny thing is duno why CG 3 keeps competiting wif us for all 3 stations, so sian.

Den da most uncomfortable game is when playing da wet games, they splash water at us in pails carrying torrents of sand. Most of the guys in my CG were very gu niang, dun wanna play in wet games... But i did participate n in the end, I gotta wash myself under da shower so long juz to remove some of sand. Den I was wearing shoes, n yar...can imagine tt nasty feeling of trapped sand in them...blehz

After tt, we went to tanah merah for getting some questions clue n yar... cheers cheers n more cheers. The only thing is I duno da area there, can't help wif any clues at all... Haiz... feel rather left out.

After all da tiring stuff, guess wad... it's back to mass dances!! omg, den we dance n dance for abt 1 hr ba... den they suddenly dance da other stuff like bsb, DT, speedy gonzales, s club party dances which previously da ogls nvr teach us in steps...gotta catch up hurrily but rather ok as it's less complicated den da heartsdale - so tell me. It's so damn fun though tiring n lotsa encore were requested, hahaz... tot y i was so energetic, but it's not. Fell aslp juring da looong journey home...