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Oo...came home rather late today due to giving a try for the choir audition, lol. Din realli wanna join choir one, but juz went there see see...den got persuaded to try for it... Well, i tot might as well give it a try, may be a good experience. But seems like i was amongst the few daredevils who dun hav experience but go for it. Lol, there's only 2 guys there only including me!! omg,'s not a while, i was 21, so da second last!! wait till 8.30 ba...or even later.. can't rmb exactly.

But far b4 my turn, weina and her friend left liao, janice n her frenx left too...den no one to tok to... so i went to sit near the group of gals nearby. Well, though abit rowdy, they're very nice pple. It's yun hui who started waving to me first, n i smiled n waved back at her, den she asked me to join them n so i did lor. But it's rather weird to be da only guy in the group, so yar...we tok on and on, having TJ cheer occasionally when someone is gonna go for their turn in audition. Lol, den later, jian wei came n join me -- i weren't da only guy liao, hahaz.

Den later found out tt pei ching n yun hui live near me, hehe... nxt time can go pester them liao, lol. when it's my turn for audition...

I was so so nervous but kinda act not as i turned around to wave at my supporters. Up n up da stairs, i can feel my breath elevated along too => to my throat. So hard to get a gulp of calm breath. I was introduced to the 'suffocating' room of choir pple. As in they made me feel so uptight like tt. Den due to tt, i can't perform as good as i showed da gals...haiz...such a disappointment. cuz da mistakes i did dun even nid da teachers to point out. I can do it myself too!! den came the part when they asked me to hum according to piano tunes, i did lar but turned out rather erm...u noe. den i can sense da acute desatisfaction in da female teacher. I was later asked if i'm considering for council election. n they strongly advise me not to due to busy schedule of choir practice....den i was tinking wad deep shit i got myself in when i not even much interested abt joining choir...

Later when, i was led out the room, the senior asked if i was very nervous, which is obviously yes!! well...den yar...da gals asked if da gay teacher got ask mi for mi no, date etc lar... lol den yep took taxi home wif yun hui, pei ching and vicki. haiz...too tired to write anymore lar...

gotta rest from da long n tiring day liao. Tmr trying guitar club, hehe
mood: :)