    Find out what I'm doing, Follow Me :) it my fault tt makes her angry... family is still as impt lor....duno wad's da prob...i've got tolerance too..

Gotta wait until 6.30 b4 meetin jen, damn da library duno do wad lor. Caught hansel wif his gf in da library. qiao... saw a gal looks like felicia..ha

jen called me told me where to go, den realise where it is, haha. Was kinda reluctant to let her see my hair like tt. was v v shocked when she appeared. Gosh, so gorgeous. Duno she specially make up for..... Tuition dun wear tt lor, she looks like she's going for prom n me wif uniform...walk out like tt damn funny. Lotsa pple lookin at us, even at yoshinoya, lol.

Chat alot of things den later after dinner, told me 4gotten take something from tuition centre n acc her back to take. Saw alex at parkway mac wif his frend, so surprised to see him there at tt time... i waved to him, but he cant see. den i zao liao....

hmz, reached home qt late, abt 9.15 like tt... thx to mi 4getfulness, always alighting where i nt supposed to b... tmr muz prepare for mmouse n celeb aunt's bdae. meetin ruth soon...

Still cant 4get wad sl said to me... but i tink i still did da rite ting...

Mood: -__-"