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Breathing in the first air of freedom... But now, it leaves me pondering how I'm to spend the remaining last month or so... Perhaps like what geraldine says, when you're studying A level, using computer is like heaven but when you're not, it's just one of the mundane task.

Just came back from my run. I've deteriorated to a very horrible state now, can't seem to finish my run. Got stitch (if that's how you spell) somewhere in between. Hope to be just ok in time for NS.

I've started playing ffx-2 english version and at the same time receiving immense pressure from my brother not to play. He threatened to return that game to his friend if I continue to do so. I guess he probably can't stand girl power. He said yuna using guns and dance sphere is crap. Wearing that little shouldn't be the consequence of believing in Machina. Oh well, I'm still a ff fan so I'll still play.

I've downloaded sony ericsson theme creator. Anyone wants me to create skins can tell me, I'll try, first attempt. Hee... I'll do a good one, worry not.