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Another short weekend out... Sian...

There's a group of foreign navy cadets from Hong Kong, Canada and India staying in IMOS for some foreign exchange programme I think. Because of them, IMOS has organised many activities for them and baiyi's trying to show them who's the authority as usual in colours by getting the whole contingent's 11B. Another major thing put up for them is the campfire. Bravo class which is my class is selected for the working party to help out for the entire day to carry and prepare all the stuff needed. Fortunately, the direct organisers which are the CPOC personnel aren't that bad and so I feel okay helping them. I'm the game master assistant so my job is actually to prepare items needed for the game, nothing much actually...

However, because there's one chio Hong Kong girl in my group, "Grey Rhino", many of my friends suddenly came over to "talk" to me but in fact I doubt that intention. Well, that girl is actually quite cute when she smiles and many wanted to talk to her but is either shy or lack the chance. We guessed that she's attached since we see the same Hong Kong guy around her most of the time. During the campfire dance, zhao qin managed to hold her hand and ultimately got walloped by the rest of the jealous guys. Haha... I think I feel the same too. LOL.

This time the passing rate of swimming CAT test for the rest is surprising! There's only 3 left in CAT 2, the rest passed! This means that my cabin can all wake up together at a later time for colours from now on! Yeah~ I think I'm beginning to like my cabin mates. They are really cool people, haha. Even Weixiang says so...

Hmm... stressed again. Supposed to coordinate JRC project for my group. Not forgetting the crest for the Bravo polo t-shirt. Bleah~

Since I'm writing journal every day as required, I have a habit to shorten my journal from now... However, I'm trying to learn some style in writing such as to add humour in it. I really love reading ryan's journal... It's always so amusing. LOL