Had a fun day yesterday night. But spent quite a torrential amount of money on the fun though. Met up with Ah Gong and the rest to play pool. The initial plan was to watch a movie but I was quite late so they ended up playing pool. My bad. Suddenly, a few minutes after I came, Wei Le, Joshua, Swee Kuan and Kelvin came to play also. So coincident...
Left around 4.40pm with Hansui to buy presents for the 2 upcoming birthday boy and girl. I thought it was nice of her to accompany to buy the presents. How sad if I were the only one choosing presents. My knee worked up yesterday too. So it was quite painful throughout. But seems like only she gives a damn about it. Ha.
I didn't realise we spent so much time choosing the presents. I was supposed to meet Jian Yuan earlier at 6 but ended up about 20 minutes late. But fortunately, Hansui and me have the same views about the presents so we didn't argue much about the choice of it. However, Ping Aik's present is a bit troublesome in a sense that we were told not to have the chocolates outdoor more than 5 hours, otherwise it'll deteriorate. In the end, it was still left outdoor much longer than that.
After meeting Jian Yuan up, we waited for the rest. I was wondering if I should tell Ping Aik that she'll be the only girl in the group for the moment or should I just let her discover for herself later on... I thought if I told her, she might decide not to come afterall, so I just let her see for her

self. Lol. Luckily, Esmond did ask Zhiren and Jeesiang to come. If not, I think I'll really strangle him. The group will be too small with just 5 people.

The games at the MindCafe were fun. Food seems to be so-so standard. Brownie's not bad. I saw some people playing the normal games seen in Singapore. I thought that since we have a chance to play imported board games, might as well learn new ones. The ones we played are those of stra

tegy, quick-wits and reaction types of games. Had so much fun playing and screaming that our voices turned hoarse and we grew weary after the sessions. Think I'll bring my friends back there next time.
The singing of birthday song wasn't at MindCafe but at a McDonald Outlet near by. We had almost everything for the celebration except a lighter. It's nice of the uncle tending a store near by to lend his lighter for that. Grateful~ It's a round tiramisu cake by the way. Here's th

e pic

ture of the birthday boy and girl... Ha.

Hansui changed quite a great deal. She was very quiet and easily aggravated in the past, not now anymore. Ha. She was so ultra "high" during the kbox session. She kept on motivate the rest of us to follow her jump on the sofa and scream into the microphone. Was kind of shocked. I think the next room can hear us when I saw them peering into our room. Lol. We sang all the way and I dare to say it's the most "high" singing session I've ever participated.
Ping Aik seems to be appreciative of our efforts of the celebration. I was kind of touched when she said that. Haha.. Looks like the next time I see them all will be at a much later time...