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Stir of Emotions

Seems like lots of people are upset about not able to get enrolled for the NBS camp. I'm not sure for me whether it's a right choice to give computer engineering camp a miss. The suspense of waiting for the CAC camp is killing me figuratively. The registration deadline has again been extended due to the downtime earlier on. To add on to the 'excitement' I'm feeling right now, my friends who will be going to NUS have been enthusiastically uploading their photos of FOC to let the whole world know about the happening events they're going through. Argh. It's okay, I'll have my fun later on.

The expenses for outings are getting to burn my fingers. I need to find more income. I don't want to take anything from Dad for things that I'm enjoying myself. It's just doesn't seem right. Other than tuition, are there other possible options I can explore.

I realise I'm just not cut out for games. Can't even play reasonably well in a game of pool. I know practice makes perfect but I think I know my strengths well enough and that playing games don't fall in that category.