It’s the 2nd time I’ve been to Malaysia. This time I was there in Desaru. It sure takes a hell long time to travel via coach to there. It felt like twice the journey of going from Hougang to NTU and back again if not worse. Probably the hot weather made it more unbearable than the arduous journey that I have to sit through to reach that spot on the map. The heat gets trapped in the coach and I feel like a roasted chicken in the “microwave” coach. Ha. But it was quite worth the money ($60) to relax after a stressing semester of studies. Somehow, the time just seems to pass slower in that area. It sets your heart at peace when you set foot on the sand of the beach, with sea breeze lightly brushing your cheeks.
It doesn’t have to be far, just somewhere off Singapore will do. LOL.
Somehow for me, uploading pictures to facebook is always very troublesome. It fails me many times. I do not think that it is due to unstable connection. Anyway, the blog here should be more reliable. Ha. Much thanks to the organiser that we really have plentiful of food to barbeque. Stingray, cheese sausage, sambal sotong, crayfish and chicken wings etc. Not forgetting my all-time favourite of barbeque - BBQ marshmellows! So much so that I think there were surplus of food especially the fish balls. Xueshen (the one on the right) showed me his tummy after the BBQ – looked much like a 5 months old pregnant lady. I suppose that’s all right if all the food comes just right for your taste! Ha..
There were some candid moments in the room though. I was shouting loudly that I was going to take photo of my friend when he was in shower so that he could prepare for it. Here’s what he shows me. LOL. Profile-picture worthy!
Anyway, the main focus of this trip should be go-karting. Remember the one in Escape Theme park? Yes, similar. I was expecting a really much larger terrain for go-karting. I was even hoping for some cool slopes. There was none. The only thing that excites me was the speed. You can literally go up to super high speed. The turning is kind of hard to master. However, despite the numerous advice of slowing down at curves, I sped up instead.
I can feel the tyres gripping hard on the ground, just that I don’t feel that attached to the vehicle when I accelerate at turns though. It makes utmost physics sense. Ha.
There were many other things we did that night except sleeping. Gossips as usual were on the agenda for every group gatherings. Actually, there isn’t much to gossip about. Most of them you can actually confirm visually. Spent time talking with this year’s freshmen. Hearing their problems kind of remind me of my plight last year in terms of academics. Well, we all got to be forward-looking, shouldn’t we? Tomorrow will be a better day. Till then, I’m sleeping now. Yawn… More updates through facebook then.
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