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Just for Laughs

This clip is darn funny. If this was not exaggerated at all, I would really be bewildered by the level of intelligence of the Americans. Here’s some extracts, (*Spoilers ahead*)

A: How many sides does a triangle have?
B: Er, I don’t know…. Four?

A: Name me a country that starts with ‘U’.
B: Hmm…. (pause for damn long)…
A: Ok, how about…
B: What..?
A: United States of America
B: Awwwoh……

A: Is Kofi Anan a coffee?
B: I would think so?

A: Who won the Vietnam war?
B: Er…. we did?
B: Wait…. did we even participate in that?

A: What is Hiroshima and Nagasaki famous for?
B: Well… I would say that it’s judo-wrestling?

A: How many Eiffel towers are there in Paris?
B: Oh, there’s about 10 of them.

LOL…. Best! Haha. Oh, “just for laughs” is coming to Asia! The asian edition will prevail soon I believe. Not sure when.

Maybe when you are feeling all alone, find something to amaze yourself. Believe me, boredom is just temporary. Being alone doesn’t make you the strangest person on earth that people are alienating you or you got no friends. Just somehow somewhere, fate has a plan for everyone else but you. Ha, just joking about the last sentence. =)