    Find out what I'm doing, Follow Me :) damn busy n din hav da time to write my blog. Kinda addicted leh, dun write den feel weird weird de lor. da mass tutorial den ms fong blur blur de, tell me wrong venue...

Ha...went there on time but saw no one. Always like tt de, i early they late, n vice versa. den she asked us do worksheets instead, heng ar, din go thru tutorial bk or i si qiao qiao le.. da time kinda clashes wif cultural doc so we had to b rush. However... da pple i goin wif all gals lor. n they're like damn slow... oh man...helen dun even feel pressured by the time at ALL! Hansui ate da slowest n she felt so pressured by us askin her to eat fast. i felt guilty oso cuz i tease her too.. :P

Reached there v v late lor.. den nt sure where alight cuz i long time din go there le. den also aga-aga de. haha. did reach at da correct stop cuz norah kinda noe ba. helen felt dizzy on da way but i dun hav sweet lor, can't do anything abt it. Haiz.. xueting abit siao siao oso. So lame tt day..

When we're in there, den like kinda lost cuz they're all doin their scavenger hunt. We got briefin from da stressed up may ee n after tt went to setup station. I kinda nid quite alot of help cuz i din prepare properly lor. may ee help wif da marbles n helen help wif da chopsticks n 3 apples, muahaha...i got 1 only. tt is oso da one prob tt shane dun like lor cuz of hygene issue. I heard the em3 kids kinda like telematch game juz tt it's too long. Actually accordin to actual plan it wasnt tt long. all thx to helen n mayee for da ideas eh.. lol actually i realli wonder wad was da kid there to help for.. he looks realli familiar like i saw him b4 i swear. hmmz...*tinkin*

i oso saw 1 teacher which looks realli familiar but 4got his name lar. so long liao. Qiaonan had many changes actually. da one i noticed was da canteen seats n table all using da new ones screwed to da floor one. there's 1 corner designated for kids' artwork n wow they're damn nice!! i like those...y they nvr teach those in da past.. den da bball area had a wall n a fence. there were another things like da staircase corner had more tings such as da info computer. Somemore nice paintings oso. Helen said it looked alot like her pri sch. I joked n say maybe it's tt twin sch ba.. ha...lame i noe.

After all tis stuff had a debrief n almost wanted to went home den kee meng called n said da chamber emsemble helpout den i remembered tt...totally 4gotten.. har...den gotta noe jun ming n xiao wen n lionel in da bus.. jun ming noe abt kwan kei, ying ru, yuan ming, wen zhi! wow... another link. heard from everyone jun ming n xiao wen r an item they juz dun admit... they tease us back instead, helen juz gave tt sian look.

Had dinner wif those pple but helen leave cuz she gotta go her bf's hse for dinner. choice ba..

Wah, da sai gung team realli had lotsa work to do wor.. den i oso din bring black clothes, oh man, gotta wear marcus shirt budden too big so wear ming xiu's one, at least better. hmz...i tink we kinda screw up abit for da actual one. Cuz da chair no is incorrect. oso it's nt done quietly. They dun hav much exp ba. Budden da conductor stand damn heavy lor. Knocked once on da chair.. But worse still i din place da drum set properly n it fell, wif da clangs cuttin on da stage floor n left a scar on it. But tink tt drummer din see ba. He abit xing tong oso, so sorrie man... :P

Worse part was when carryin clarinova back, wah, tt's a torture cuz it's damn heavy. wah from audi to music rm...gotta go all da way to the other end n up da stairs n hadda rest at several points... phew, it was over.. We got sweets for our reward lor. but of cuz it's da CIP hours tt's more impt. nt sure how many lar, gotta ask PE dept.

sai gung team den stone at da canteen lor eatin chocolate sweets n tokin ghost story... quite freaky to tok tt time of night. all of us got a ride from marcus's mother. or else, can't reach home le. aha. Halfway thru receive a joke sms from helen, aha..send me at tt time of da night...funny eh.. Wor...done..

Mood: :O