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tmr computing paper...woah...first time in my life gonna take tt test n duno wad's coming out...anxious *_* duno y computing to some pple, tinks tt it's some nerds taking it... no lor...i where got?

Mm, ha yesterday blackout damn long lor. Hougang is da last area to recover. I was watching news when abt 10.20pm suddenly blackout until 12.05 den recover...grr..heard other areas 15min nia.. 5 candles around my paper oso can't see clearly lor.. It's hot oso.. n lotsa commotions outside..

regretted spending so much time on maths, shuld hav concentrated on physics can le. forgotten da formulas lor, esp from circular motion one...n those new concepts rush oso..nvr finish, as usual. Maths spend so much time in the end come out such tough paper..die lar. tink muz hav tea wif da principal le.

Mood: #_#