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today went thru SCDF training which was very cool cuz i learnt so many new stuff tt may come in handy in times of emergency.

There's basically five modules, can't remember da names lar. But first one was first aid practice. How and wad to do for fractures, wounds, bleedings, etc... It's kinda fun cuz we hav practicals for each example. We used da training-use bandages antiseptic cream or wadsoever. Gotten a compliment leh. Tt person tot i was F.A.U one cuz mine was neat. Hehe

Den oso got bandage knees, shoulder, palm injury lor..aha... Now den i noe there's primary n secondary bandage. One is for applying proper treatment another is for holding it in place n to make it neat.

Later we covered burns, scalding lor. Da pics they show like quite gross lar... da skin aiyo... den it's juz a simple treatment of 4Cs... Cool it under runnin water until it feels better (nt really better ba), den go to clinics lor. Dun apply toothpaste or cotton wool, cuz cotton wool will stick to the skin n da nurse will hav a hard time picking da strands out. Dun burst bubbles too cuz will cause infection.

Next is CPR session. Haha..tis is fun oso. Had a rubber model as unconscious patient.. Lotsa steps to remember oso. Den i tink in actual practice...abit hard cuz panicky lor. But da steps quite systematic lar. Hmz...den i oso gotta noe tt diff age pple do it diffly. Baby 2 fingers can do da pump le. Hehe... Oso do abit bout solving choking.

Den later is do fire extinguishing. Learnt da 3 triangles of fire cause. Removin 1 of it can remove fire. Oso wad's da safe procedures for removing different type of fire. some type if performed wrongly can worsen. Had practicals for extinguishing. so fun.. they set up a pool of fire den everyone had turns to extinguishing.

It's abit scary for da new pple. It turns out tt if do wrongly, u might get ur skin sticked to da spraying tube of extinguisher. den oso da wind blowing diff dir all da time, hard to tell da exact dir of wind.

Last portion had some practicals of in-place protection. which is da one if in case got chemical spillage in the air, wad to do lor. Use da trash bag cover any form of porous openings tt connect ur hse outside. den seal it wif maskin tape. If nt porous, maskin tape will do. den turn on tv check for updates lor.

yep den for IPP theory is covered v fast lar. din see wad's all those names of virus n bacteria... only saw anthrax. den it's basically oso to recognise da emergency sound system lar, etc.

Tink i'll stop here lar... tired of writing so much

Mood: :>