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finally coming to a weekend for rest le. Been so tired recently.

O lvl results coming out on monday. Hope my juniors can score better den their prelim. Duno if my robotics junior will zao to other school.. if it is.. quite sad lor... even though we've been together for a short period..

Managed to dig out geraldine's secrets, haha. Told by my friend one, dino alot still duno tt. She kept it rather well ba. Just read alex's blog... damn funny.. da balloon incident. Though synn tian v embarrased, she still holds on to his balloon lor.. how nice.. hahahz...

Yanyi's so so lame lor... Her jokes are rather 'special' tt i duno wad category to grp those.. ha.. but da gd thing abt her is she's v frendly n wun pang sei ppl, or my mrt ride will be so sian...

Mood: =D