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An abnormal day with weird phenomenon. Mr loh screws up a simple probability ques and physics lecturer allows us to leave early. Computing 1st lesson listen to Gigahertz's talk wif juz erm... 6 pple? Partly their fault ba, din reply mr chua when he says tt today's yr 1's collection of results. Weather's pretty weird too, large ominous clouds over loom the sky and i tot it's gona b a super violent storm. In the end... juz a slight drizzle. End up doing pull ups n standing broad jump instead of a run.

Din realli see alot of yr 1s in school today, quite alot pon sch ba... Tis will probably continue for some time too ba... Can see sch putting alot of fake fun in TJ to make them stay.. Haha...

it seems like alot of pple getting attached by tis time le..

heard from dad alot abt political stuff of singapore, it sounds abit subjective but after some consideration, it's pretty true.. life's probably gonna be alot different n will be harder to survive in future..

excited bout tmr's adventure tower.. v long time haven get to play arnd wif those obstacles stuff.. wish me gd luck.. heez