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it's so close, could have come back wif a 4th position at least. God must have played a joke man... 5 runs, none can complete... sian... felt so traumatised... if roboGP can't win, what say micromouse..

it's back to hectic work again... din even have the weekend to rest well lor, and now's it's back to monday where i'm screwing everything up again. Chem mock din even finish: got yield no evaluation. Physics spa: no uncertainty value for reliability of equation. Chem test tmr.. gonna be hard... sch sux man...

mx complaining abt LZ nt giving a damn abt him, how it hurts him alot... it's not like i duno how he feels but i juz dun wana say hw something similar happen to me... it hurts and maybe i shuld just ask him to give up ba... if looks is all that matters... what is love all about?