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Life Matters

There's 2 meanings to the titles. Both has a slight variation in its meaning, just as how you can choose to perceive and act on your future. Either you accept the way it is and take no action on it or take the chance to live your life as close as how you want it to be. =)

Met a cranky but nice person lately. bubbly and cheerful...

Had a long series of camwhoring shots with my close friends jian yuan and choon pei lately.

flyingkiss seehearspeaknoevil spasticmouth emocouple dramaseries2 dramaseries3 dramaseries4 takeplant sittingonbar actdao 

For the full set to be revealed on facebook. =) Warning: these shots do not portray the true nature of the participants in the photographs. They're enhanced for the purpose of illustrating effects. The participants are of intelligent, demure, cultured and good-natured character. Ha.

Still another 2 and a half months more. Still far away to start counting down for. My mum promised to take me to Singapore Flyer on 6 April. But it seems like there's no one who can/wants to swap shift with me... Sad...