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Do Something About It!

Feeling so broke at the moment. 21st birthdays are coming in a rush this month. For the next upcoming one I still haven't finish preparing for the present yet.

Attended an old friend's birthday event today. Was quite upset when you send a message to someone and not for the first time the person asked who you are. Am I so insignificant? Thinking back, it's been about 6 years since the last time I went to his house. 6 years seem like a long time and now here we are celebrating each's 21st birthdays.

Honestly, those were the memorable times when doing your best for studies was the only thing that we needed to be concerned on. Sharing foolish stories and tricks were one of the best times in the teenage life. But apparently, life has a way of making things change. Our social circle enlarges but not necessary that the larger your pool of friends is, the happier you'll get. I guess you get the idea...

I know computer engineering is something that I can pursue out of my interest. But I need to do something urgent about my pure laziness. I have to compete with many other foreigners whose knowledge of this area far exceeds mine. The competitiveness is real and I got to do something about it if I want to achieve honours. Had this thought because Christopher had just given me a reality check on that. I appreciate that.

I have so many unfinished business. Reading of books borrowed from library half completed, video making half completed, helping a friend in his website half-hearted. Oh gosh, how committed can I appear to be?

There seems to be something about me that I'll isolate myself from people occasionally. Not certain why it is so though. I sure seem to act very randomly according to my feelings and it seems that I have been confusing some of my friends because of that.