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Emo Calls...

Hey D, if you want to call me and talk about things, I'm here. I'm just so annoyed that you hung my call when I return your call. If you so want to talk about things, then don't give me 4 missed calls and reject one when I call back and messaged back. Is the friendship that volatile or indispensable? I'm sorry if I happened to be away from my mobile. But I'll respond nevertheless. If you're reading this, think it through and be in my shoes please.

Enough about bitching. Finally settled my matriculation tasks. I'm so sorry Jy for keeping you wait for my matriculation number. It's my bad habit of procrastinating tasks. =x The NTU website has revamped and it looks pretty good. Just that I'm rather frustrated about the photo upload script. It sucks. I have to try again and again before I can manage to upload my passport photo up. I must have a great deal of patience I think.

It's almost coming to an end for GENacts activities. I wonder if any meaningful friendships can be forged out of these few events that I am only able to make it for... Like what wy has said, the group consists of people who prefer to stay in the comfort zone and not those who will go all out and do crazy things. It's not wrong, just that the times would have been more memorable for everyone if we treasure the times more. In the meantime, let's just think of more cheers...

Watched this Korean drama today and saw this scene of a little girl cry and snuggle up to the father. She asked him if his love for the family will vanish just like his love for the wife. Asked in translated mandarin "Ni hai hui ai wo ma?" in tears brimming. I thought this is a heart rending moment. If ever a guy wants to file for divorce, this is the pain the child has to go through...

I guess some things just cannot happen no matter how much you want it to be... Sigh.

Learnt 'saccharine' word from someone's blog. Another new vocabulary for my limited bank of words. Haha.