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Teachers' day today...quite lame to hav 2 lectures den celebration... -__-!

wanted to zao but no marists wana zao tt early... no choice but to stay n watch. Celebration not bad but it's still far from being successful - less den 1/2 of yr 1s are in da hall, besides, we're not participating much in da celebration. Teachers put up quite a bit of effort to entertain us, not a common sight tt we can see in secondary school

Mr varella can dance quite well, haha but in his age of modern dance...nevertheless still quite good...D7 to duno wad F9 de....damn funny sia... hafiz stopped singing when his pitch range is ord da max. Yazid can dance well but not break dance... Doing splits to him is no problemo...

din buy any gifts for tcher la...but still went back to mshs to visit da tchers... dey had something for us to eat...not sure if it's da 1st time or wad...mshs seldom so generous... mrs tan cant seem to rmb me -_- and mr goy unnaturalli had lotsa hair planted. ms jaz too bz to catch up wif 4F. Mrs low getting more n more fashionable...cant tell tt she's married wif a kid ord. Mr leong still disappointed tt he cant find any auto-pilots in IT...haha.. but it's kinda like visiting classmates n frenz too...haha, from many diff places, polys, uni-soon-to-b, all jcs except pj, jj, yj....not a popular choice for marists anyway...

Some pple din go lor, din geto see shi jin, desmond (purposely din go one), pee wee and etc...hmz...yep, wonder how much dey change....

Mood: =D