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Today an exciting day for me, yay! Duno y feel so excited but maybe it's another rare occasion whereby i can wear non-uniform clothes to school ba.. but cuz da dancers are supposed to wear different colours as assigned to us... Har, today in school, almost everyone wears something else, either red, white or something else. Those wearing sch T will be seen as nerd ba...:P Sean n yong chuan wearing uni lor...

Our dance is basically almost full to perfection, so glad about it as we did not make any mistakes during switching of moves, and i see tuan quite like our dance lar...he and yuan leng joined in lor...and oh well da audiences are dancing with us, yay successful...da only ting i got quite pissed was when marcus stood rite in front of me and block me almost throughout... damn... den tink quite alot pple can't see me lor.. so envious of da fan club my frend has...har, actually nt fan club, juz tt their class pple more enthusiastic...nt like our class spirit de.. Din noe fang chin is a, everyone is so zai...

Everything went so well and der comes da anti-climax part to ndp celebration - maths tutorial!! Haiz, mrs leong going through integration tutorial and i only manage to do finish question 1 wif lotsa sub ques... it's hard for us to keep up wif her pace, nt tt i lazy... den later i 4got something tt realli going to put me in deep shit man... i tink i left haryl's stuff in LT2 tink it's gonna be locked and...aiya duno lar...shit man...

After tt, had a looooonnnngggg session of practice sessions in the recital room lor, now i understand why dey say syf nids lotsa mental stamina. cuz muz practice again and again... tis time is juz for one song - "if" mah. so throughout da practice, always smsing eileen and ruth, wishing me good luck...thx!

It's my first time dress until so formal wif such an expensive tie around my neck, costs $49 lor. Shoes $24, shirt $38... well u can add up da sum to c how much is spent on tis 2.5min performance lor...pathetic sia, i haven buy my long pants though.. but not bad lar...looks quite nice...but if only i'm's perfect den otherwise i always look so small in photo.. dun get it lor, y ever since sec 3, i haven been growing ar? wad's da reason for my stunted growth...hate my body, grrr...

we were supposed to meet up so early but which our actual performance is abt 8.30, har...waste time sia.. but sorta learn lil bits of stuff from my frends lar..oso got tok cok here n der. Helen's bcoming more isolated away from me...duno y...well, i observed some kinda patterns of pple i luv to hang around wif... normally da not so chinese or english type one...not always show off how high class one...comfortable to tok abt most subjects on earth's nt alot to ask for rite?

den after our performance, some of us stayed back to support yiu so fast zao to meet ch.. i felt guilty to leave w/o telling chris n wen qian which dey were here to support me in da 1st place...y m i so hu tu~ argh!... hope dey don take it to heart~ people were like staring at me when i go home in tt outfit lor..din change mah...n still got lotsa tings hangin arnd me - my guitar, shoes, bag of notes, etc... k lar...late le, dun be luo suo

Mood: =D