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Today is one of my happiest day manz...

Firstly, even though i'm so damn beat tired...(dun blive can ask my dad, sorta slping when i combing my hair), i managed to hit abt 11min 35 sec which is way better den wad i ask for... din noe y as i din train at all... but it's first time ever hear da gals scream my name, gimme some moltivation, haha

den at the end of day, estella and fiona stayed back to support us in monopoly though they're not playing. It's basically 10/04 internal games lor, nt competiting wif other classes one..bleah, and we're da noisiest grp. Wif ping aik and fiona, wad to expect...aha.. I'm damn suay lor, lose quite alot of money but in the end i got second in my grp, quite surprising sia, if based on my 2nd experience playing monopoly...haha. I got so few properties lor...den gotta stay back after tmr, haiz...oh yar, gotta see mr veera too..

den after tt, we tok cok all da way on bus to bedok....gals sitting opp of guys lar... initially wanted to push mao xin to sit wif someone called cheryl. haha... den alex reached out his leg and reach da bar, i reach out my leg n accidentally touch ping aik's leg! So paiseh lor...cirong was like saying omg, wad m i doing? seducing her? It's all full of laughter lar...

When we reach's worse lor, bring bad impression to TJ sia... we ate first den they're toking bout da chilies exothermic rxn when mixed wif ice...and damn i got tricked! yargh, cirong slammed my hand in... everyone bursts into laughter... dey all noe except me...wah so embarrased sia... :P Got my mcdonalds membership today, burger's free!

But now i gotta rush tutorials n essay le...cya

Mood: ^_^