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Finished up on tis template...finally fixed da irritating text from going down... it's cuz da chat box canot be too big maybe nxt time change da settings again... anyway tis one has more life in it... Compare to a sleek design, one wif human touch can linger on in memory longer...

Class bbq's a success according to my view. At least can get a long CG 10 outing. Maybe may feel odd for us cuz we nvr realli have a united spirit but yet tis time we stay in east coast until 12.15 hah... however, it's oso nt very successful cos got qt a few din come oso: hafiz, cirong, ping aik, sean, jeremy, zhiren, jee siang which is abt 1/3 of class lor.

Hate da rain, kinda make us feel uncomfortable wif umbrellas at bbq pit setting fire. Took us damn long to set up juz a pathetic fire.. Saw others create large flames in much shorter time... haha... no scout here so everyone juz try strategies to work out. Was expecting to play some games b4 bbq but bleah....dun hav lor...sian. Joe brought his whoever here n mushy wif her in front of us den yar...very sian2 yan3... haha no comments abt her, juz diff from janice. wanted to hav fun wif sea water esp help someone in first but ha, oso fail... b4 i 4get, da radio was like damn heavy n hafta carry it wif care all da way der lor. Fiona bcome my maid, ci hou wo...na2 de radio..haha least wad i luv most was da zhong ji mi ma + truth/dare one... fun probing secrets mah... den i so suay lor, kana 2 times, muz b too few pple playing lar... din kana alex otherwise can shoot him wif ques... last one ended wif me n deir request was to kiss elin den she gtg so either kiss joel/geraldine... kinda (dang) cos i wanted to say tt idea to whoever tt kana it lar... lol. took a pic of me almost kissing geraldine's face. Tot she would run away but i tink she save my face so din make me so pai kua bah... da few moments was taking class photo n yar...lotsa probs as usual: light, pple out of place, nt natural etc...

b4 leaving da place, kinda chat at a pavilion... nt realli chat but gossip abt pple...who's nt there. Yar... highlights on fiona <- joel, joel -> elin, elin <-> zhiren, zhiren <-> ? .... yar, get da pic?? n yep, interesting to find out so much abt dem... esmond's suggestions kinda ignored many times sad though sometimes his ideas realli nt gd...

took taxi home wif poh woon, geraldine... damn ex lor, wif midnite surcharge. Shulda leave earlier but will b rather shao xin lor..

Mood: o^_^o