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ooz... finally after pw, had alota funny n nice incidents wanted to post up but din hav time to. Realli luv to play table tennis wif jianyuan n mao xin, but today called so late...

PW OP's kinda scary lor...nvr did i practise so much n so serious lor. Tot my practise was much better den actual. kinda abit disappointed. Regurgitate too fast. But i do rmb to look at audience juz examiners nvr look at me lor...haha. Jee siang had a hard time putting his words in nice expression.. ha... jeremy smiled too much, kinda awkward i tink. Well, no one commented bout mine, hope's alrite. Duno y some pple got 2 qns for Q&A while i get 1 only. is it gd or bad?

mmz.... sian gotta write journal everyday after i get to work. compulsory...sian lor. Har...maybe can ask dem refer to tis blog. juz jk... maybe i shuld start practising skill A soon, n perhaps my maths assignment lotsa hw lor, wad a hols... see pple havin fun while i'll probably nt hav any.

Naruto's realli nice to watch....was watchin it while doing pw, *distracted haha....gonna watch it now

Mood: ^_^