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today another fun day for me.. heez, maths no xtra lesson.. almost 1st time tis yr i tink. ms fong oso din particularly pick on me to ans ques...

waited so damn long for da adventure tower prog to start. i tot i may well use da time to study physics but apparently not so. mx n jy was wif me n yup, chit chatting for so long.. after mx's gone, came fiona n continue da chit chatting till da thing start. Din noe i'm so gd at chatting oso... Fiona even more zai, can tok on phone for abt an hour n chat wif us all at da same time... And i realise 1 thing bout mixed sch is tt, when u sit wif a gal n chat too long, ppl'll tink u're both a couple... haha, not true sometimes..

there r 2 parts to da program, one part - climbing headed by da climbing club and the other obstacles by OAC. My team got stucked wif da climbing club for almost 1 hr lo... so wasted.. wanted to try much more..

Climbing club's rules abit lame... keep changing throughout. First was blindfold climbing. Juz cos dey can do it, doesnt all can do it... Fiona juz cant climb wif blindfold. But i doubt if i can oso.. it's hard to hold water while climbing too..

But I manage to touch da pail hung at da incline rock wall wif da more difficult part to climb. Later, all these were scraped and it's juz purely da speed climbing... My team in general climb pretty fast lor.. Almost all r gals even liang qi who joined in later. I felt so paiseh when i reached da top 1 sec later den da opposing team who's a gal... (:P ego ba..)

This part not tt bad, noe 3 gals and got to see how zhiren defends his gf and gain da 'wooo...' envious sounds cooed by his climbing frends.. hahaha... interesting.. tt gal happened to be fiona's best frend in primary sch... n she only realise it today.. dotz

Obstacles part juz left about 1/2 hr to try.. Moreover, gotta wait for pple to finish so tt can use deir harness lor. There's many components to tt tower n me n fiona only manage to try 1... da climb log one.. it's pretty difficult w/o teamwork lorz. It's pretty high and tiring. Hav to let fiona step on my thigh several times to allow her to get up after which she'll pull me up. It's interesting how i feel high up there - a mixture of fear n excitement... Got alot of blisters as presents oso.. ha.

Elin ps us lor, supposed to come but din.. fiona ps me later... din eat dinner wif me.. in the end, went back home wif vicky n chat all da way back on bus... rather bushed ba.. tink it'll b a nice slp tonite.. tink physics's test'll be a goner tmr.. no time study.. :P