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=Navy Invitation/Openhouse=
Ok, since I've signed up, I went for it. It's not that bad decision to go after all - a fun trip for me. Here's the program throughout.

1) Validation of registration details at the waiting stop:
-I signed up alone so I kind of expected a lonesome trip throughout. But to my surprise, I see familiar faces at the waiting stop. Saw Jiamin and her taekwondo friend, ah Q, christopher and zuhui. All of them came alone too. Just a pure coincidence that I meet them. So the trip won't be as bored as I supposed.

2) Bus ride to Naval Base:
-I'm not sure exactly where is the location when I arrived. It's a very isolated place away from the heart of Singapore but it's still within the boundary of the mainland. All camera phones have to be kept at the visitor centre before approaching into the base. The Navy people are kind of thoughtful - planning bus rides wherever moving from destinations to destinations even though distance between is short.

3) Briefing of Navy Missions and Technology:
-Well, it seems pretty cool presentation they have put for us. I suppose part of the credits go to the speaker. (Convincing and bhb) From their presentation, I can see that the force is relatively small compared to other countries. However, the technology compromise for that and competency level is thus high. Their team spirit is good too (even if it's acted out) but I do believe they are close working partners. Free goodie bags are given out too. Nothing too amazing in it, just brochures.

4) Ad-hoc Breakfast:
-It was not pre-planned part of the program. They decided to put in due to the courtesy of it for inviting everyone so early in the morning. The food is nice. =) From the place where the breakfast buffet is held, I can see the broad view of loading and unloading port of the ships. The water glisters in the early morning and the scene looks spectacular through the clear glass panels around the buildings everywhere.

5) Exploration of largest navy ship
-Hmm.. It certainly looks cool from the inside and outside. But it's also quite difficult for me to move fast in the ship. Almost every sea-tight doors have high stubs to cross over. The stairs look scarily steep especially when coming down than moving up. Control centre looks just like the movie too! Ha. Most of the control of ship is quite automated, replicate components here and there and no more reading from map already. It's a pity we can't get to explore the stealth frigate yet. It's a newer ship and they are in the midst of adding in more components. Although it's actually ready for operation, the luxurious facilities in the largest ship is still missing in that frigate.

6) Ride on Fast Craft Utility (FCU)
-All were asked to wear float jackets before boarding FCU. Its maximum speed is very fast I suppose. But within the base, the speed is limited to 6 knots. It's already quite fast for me from the rush of the wind.

The trip ends off with free "King Kong" tickets given off. Yay! Still managed to catch a last movie before NS.

=Job Hunting @ Clarke Quay=
Esmond recommended this job to me when I asked him if he has any recommendation, seriously I wonder if he gains any commission from that. Shortly after that, he's off for his vacation in Hong Kong. Seems pretty much like a planned trick.

From what he and his senior's speech, I still can't figure out what the nature of the job about. He insists that I should come down for briefing at Clarke Quay to know more about the range of jobs that can be undertaken. Esmond recommends other than me, some other friends too. Jian Yuan after getting conned once, is precarious about such dubious stuff. Hence, he rejected to go for it.

When I reached there, Caleb, Weiyan, Joo Fang and Man Ting already there. They were waiting for me only. Shortly thereafter, we were brought to FLP and were introduced to the place and its activities. Oh well, the senior could have told us it's a particular place that we were going to work for but didn't... I get to know the 4 others soon as all were unknowingly victimized by our dear friend.

It seemed to be their company annual prize giving ceremony day and I do think it's not appropriate for us to join in such a ceremony just to know what the company is about or to feel their family spirit. It's just too time-consuming. Besides, their overwhelming enthusiasm kind of scares me to a large extent because I've never ever seen anything like that. All seemed like fake or acted out. If not Weiyan and Joo Fang initiated to move off, I guess we'll be stuck in that place for a much longer time.

I'm not really trying to say that the company is conning people but more like the situation of us people aren't really suitable for the job yet. Firstly, the time we're able to contribute is much lesser and the social group or contacts are mainly students, not rich millionaires who will willingly buy the expensive health-care products. There are many things to consider. I would rather get a down-to-earth job than a pyramid job. It's just not suitable.