Mm, my status in camp is now excused shipboard duties and excused sailing for a month. I'm supposed to be happy because it's more relaxed for me at least. It's Aops's expression that make me feel perturbed. I didn't cause the injury on purpose neither am I amplifying the injury for my own sake. What the MO and doctor see is the true situation of how my knee is! Hai... I'm supposed to be posted to shore unit but he refuses to let me go. He just wants me to stay behind to do things for the ship in any way possible. I foresee more of such problems will be coming. More people will start to say things behind my back. Today, I waited for quite a while so that I could have a late lunch to avoid seeing the people whom I thought will say things about me. Maybe it's just my imagination but maybe not. I told myself it's not my fault and I shouldn't continue to reproach myself for that. I want to pick that self-confident me back. I'm trying...
Last Saturday, I did a foolish thing which I find it amusing at the same time too. My brother's girlfriend was in his room and as usual his door was closed. I was rushing for time and I was desperately finding the shaver. I knocked the door and within 2 seconds of no-response feedback, I opened the door immediately. "Waaoooh~~!" was what I heard from his girlfriend. Eh, should I say fortunately, I wasn't wearing my spectacles or contact lenses that's why I can't see clearly what hanky panky stuff they did. Lol... Hmm, I think I need to think twice when I enter his room now. I don't want to be called "rude" this way. Ha.
Met up with Desmond earlier on. Well, he seems to have changed in his thoughts and way of life. He no longer seems to place emphasis on his looks and appearance but more on how he can earn big money at this phase of life which he deems NS to be too small a portion to play in it currently. He told me most of his NS friends are earning much money outside due to their intuitive ideas of business in many varieties. Of course, they have such chances due to their PES status which he has no idea how they manage to end up in that since they look so healthy yet end up being clerks handling admin matters. Well... maybe if I was surrounded with people like that, I may be inspired to do so... However, it seems unrealistic at the pace he was thinking...
Sky just has a funny way of blogging his feelings. Mm...
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