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Hall 9 Dinner and Dance 2008 is finally over. Time spent on practice can now be allocated for other priorities. Somehow, I wonder if it's worthy to spend so much time on that for a moment of glory. The time for the actual event seems so minute compared to the time spent on practising. Yet, there's a regret deep down when I screwed up my dance. I thought all was over and consolation prize was waiting for me. It didn't turn out as bad as I thought and got a 2nd runner up position. I guess it's the catwalk that saved me somehow. Anyway, congratulations to Nigel and Jaclyn for clinching Hall King and Hall Queen positions. Well Done. I guess there's plenty of experience I can absorb for an event like this. Looking forward to coordinate this event for the freshmen next year.

It's a pity I couldn't send Meiling off. Wished her all the best in the University of Illinois.

Some people can just change so fast in such a short time. I really couldn't bring myself to believe it. Thought he was busy and didn't want to talk when we met up in school. Even for casual friends I would have stopped and chat for at least a couple of lines before going off. But twice he said that he needed to rush off. Today, another mutual friend was talking about him also. He came all the way from NUS to see him yet, he seemed to be bothered by mutual friend's presence and even left him alone there without bidding goodbye. I thought that was quite atrocious. I treat him not as a casual friend but don't know if such sentiments reciprocate.

Wasn't shortlist for the next round of interview. I felt quite upset about it. I couldn't think why though. Is my profile in IT not sufficient to compare with? Or the other contestants have much more to offer? Myriad of events had happened in a pace much faster than I can grasp and comprehend. I apologise for the bitching throughout this post. I just had to write it out somehow.

Now inter-hall games are about to start. I looked at the list of games and asked myself what I can offer to the hall in terms of sports contribution. I couldn't help but felt very disturbed internally. Due to the meniscus injury, my life has been heavily affected by it. I could no longer play any aggressive sports if not, my knee will just lock up again. It had come back to haunt me just a few weeks ago during an orientation camp. Such activities aren't even tough and yet, the unbearable pain sets in to disrupt whatever I want to do. I hadn't gone for any operations for I couldn't muster courage to go for it. I don't know what's the outcome and anything that could be extended by 6 months for recovery. It's just not the time... but am I just condemned to such a state. I don't want to accept this, it's not fair.