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Hall 9 Legacy & CAC Outing

3guysposeHall 9 camp is over. Again filled with the same kind of nostalgia for the people I bonded with for the past few days. They are also my neighbours whom I'll always get to see them around at least for this year.

Had suppers, heart-to-heart talks together with them. I felt myself opening up again. It felt good.

As I'm quite a serious person, thoughts of having to perform on the D&D night easily troubles me. My partner is an inter-JC pageant so probably she has much more experience for such event.squeezeguys There are many things next week I can't confirm because of the D&D preparation. Hope that everything will go on fine.

We agreed on singing and dancing for the performance. Singing will be done predominantly by me and vice versa. The harder part is its integration. Photoshoot was tiring but I think catwalk training will be worse. Haha. I hope the rest of the hall niners can support me too. Haha.

Met up with friends from Valus earlier on for Ice Skating on Sunday. It was fun, I could skate much better than before. I no longer need the metal assist bar and had learnt to brake with a 180 degrees turn. Cool right. Haha.wingkime

There were many who couldn't make it for the outing. Otherwise, it would have been more fun. We tried to learn the basics from Aloysius. He's pretty skilled in that. After that, we had games like chasing groups of people. Alvin and Peng Fei picked up speed rather fast. For me, it's still slow. Don't know if it's my extra toe that's jamming my blood flow to the leg... It feels really numb after a while and I could not stand perpendicularly straight to the blades. My friends are all amazed by the extra toe but it seems to be giving more problems actually.

Somehow, I'm still trying to adapt myself to the new environment. There's many things I haven't get used to. Self-discipline is one thing that is very difficult to be instilled within me. All the continual assessment through GPA seems creepy to me. I have heard so many times that the GPA isn't everything there is to university life but somehow at this phase, it matters to me. Will I change my perception by the time I reach year 3? The seniors have been very helpful and I'm also trying my best to expand my social network. The funny thing is many people have asked me why I joined Computer Engineering. Said that I'm one of a kind to be found in that course. Lol, don't really get it though.