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Life Goes On...

Happy birthday Singapore! Watched the front segments of NDP Live Telecast. I was wondering if I had become older and hence, expectations of watching NDP has become higher, or it has really not become any better than previous years.

The marching portion wasn't that good I thought. 'Hentak Kaki' wasn't in sync and even the fancy drills wasn't up to par as previous years. There was a guy who really swung the weapon 1/2 beat out of steps with the rest for a segment. Another was looking to the other person for cue on its next move. Had they train more than half a year for this? Singing the national day song in Jazz seems new but not many people could sing along with it. Some sang with it only to met with a sudden deliberate pause in its original rhythm. Ha. It hadn't been raining for years on National Day, I thought. The members of parliament weren't wearing the raincoat for some reasons. I2008 Aug5 (12) think even if the rain drops are fine, it's kind of cruel not to allow wearing of raincoat since the weather should still be cold. Or perhaps, it's the red and white colour combinations it's supposed to be achieved? Perhaps. Ha.2008 Aug5 (20)

Just had the basic photo shoot of the pageants photo. Personally I feel that the stylists are good. Just that the photographs taken could be improved. There are insufficient lightings for the night shots. Here are some of the photos I have from my friend's camera.

The girls somehow weren't too happy about their hairdo. They wanted it to be more puffy I think. If not, they would rather stick to their curry puff hairstyle. Is that what they call it?

2008 Aug5 (42)Wei wen always has this serious expression. I think with that look, he makes a good physical training instructor. He said that it's in the past. He wants resume his life as a student now... I think he is quite a nice guy although he looks like someone I hate quite a lot. Ha.


The D&D training is both very fun and stressful. There's certain levels of expectations to keep up to. IMG_3622Behind all the fun-loving stuff, there's always something serious to take away with. Since I'm here, I might as well take some experience away. The photo on the right is me, Gary and Michelle in Masquerade Shop trying out all the wacky and funky costumes.

On the left, that's Michelle and me trying out Victorian and Greek costumes. For more photos, it's found on my facebook. Friends and family, please come down and support me @ DXO on Saturday 16th August. Thanks.

I don't have time to do everything, but I have time for those who matters.