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Life Observations

Went to Cirong's early birthday celebration cum party for her departure to Holland soon. The way there reminds me of the times I went back for camp. It's almost the same path. It's weird that she wanted glamour to be the theme for chalet. When I reach Tanah Merah, there were many others dress pretty well too. I had guessed that they were attending her birthday party too but just couldn't be too sure. I think she's got many friends from different age groups. Ha.

Went with Esmond only. Jian Yuan didn't go. =( I had told him about the party way in advance... Anyway, I chose to buy a watch for her. I think it's pretty nice but doubt she'll have the chance to wear it before she leaves overseas. There's tonnes of presents gathered in the chalet room when I entered.

I felt 'exclusive' in a different sense when I was kept out of loop of Cirong's mysterious friend called 'Alvin'. Literally, Ping Aik, Zhiren and Jee Siang rushed down to the porch to see who that guy is. When asked about him, only a hesitant reply that he's just a friend. It's not that I'm nosy or anything. Just that I felt that if I were to be asked to as part of the class to go for the party, I shouldn't be kept in the dark of the things that's going on. Esmond's not aware of the situation too but he persistently asked them only to be fed with more annoyed responses. I don't want to end up in the same state as him so I chose to remain quiet about that issue.

Everything about adulthood seems so complicated. I guess staying simple in life means you got to live with the limited choice that destiny offers you. Unless you want to empower yourself to be different from just another normal average person, you can't exactly choose your dream partner. That's life I think.